I am impress about the amount of people that show up in the presentation for forrest.
One of the things that we know for sure is that we have a better idea of our user base.
helping Backup Manager
i have not been tested this new backup tool, but I gave a hand to sukria on the spanish translation bit.
there you go mate:
sukria.net – Backup Manager – A small Linux tool for making backups.
Problema en Debian 3.1r0 CD/DVD
Un error ha sido descubierto en las imagenes de de CD/DVD 3.1r0. Nuevas instalaciones de esas imagenes tienen una linea comentada en /etc/apt/sources.list para » http://security.debian.org/ testing/updates» en vez de una linea activa de «http://security.debian.org/ stable/updates», por lo que no recibira actualizaciones de seguridad por defecto.
La solucion es rapida y sencilla, pero se esan creando nuevas imagenes con la version 3.1 r0a
Do not burn you Debian 3.1 DVD yet…
A Debian 3.1r0 CD/DVD image problem. A typo on the source.list does not use the security updates as default.
There is a easy way to resolve this bug. But a new set of CD/DVDs is on its way.
Debian — News — Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 released
After nearly three years of waiting 🙂 sarge is out: