Publicado en Forrest

Internalization a site using forrest 0.7-dev

I think that many people are asking for a way to display the same look and feel and different language using forrest.

I gather some information about how to do it here. I used this example for español and English example.

    1. First you need to download a dev version as for today (10 May 2005)
      forrest seed
      set project.i18n=true on
      copy index.xml to
      modify to display some Spanish text

This should be enough for test if your setup is right.
load on your browser http://localhost:8888/ and change language. If everything goes right. you should be able to see the menus, tabs and content in Spanish (or whatever).

Now that we know that is it working on a live server, we are going to put it on a static view. We are going to start with a default language en (English)

    1. cp $FORREST_HOME/main/webapp/WEB-INF/cli.xconf /var/tmp/fs
      add project.configfile=/var/tmp/fs/cli.xconf to
      modify cli.xconf and add this line:
      <uri type=»insert» src-prefix=»» src=»index.html» follow-links=»false» dest=»/var/tmp/fs/build/i18n/*.en» />
      run forrest site

You should be able to see the fresh-site with all the files ending on html.en . Next is the turn of the alternative language.. Spanish.. 🙂

    1. export LANG=es
      modify cli.xconf and change the dest attribute on the uri element from *.en to *.es
      execute forrest site

That should be enough in order to test it. you need to copy the destination folder (/var/tmp/fs/build/i18n) to a web directory in an Apache server. Well, I do a (cd /var/www; ln -s /var/tmp/fs/build/i18n i18n) but that is because I run a web server on my laptop. so http://localhost/i18n is enough for me to test.


Publicado en Español

Los titulares en PODCAST

Viendo esto:
Los titulares PODCAST de

Me he dado cuenta de lo avanzado que estan en radio guijuelo. hace un año les programe un sistema para que emitientan noticias y los boletines de forma automatica.

Para todos aquellos tecnologicos, ha de saber que la unica diferencia de como se hace ahora y como nos lo vende la ser es XML.

hasta ahora se crea un fichero de texto con un formato a base de direcciones de internet.

Con el podcast esta informacion esta estructurada para que pueda reutilizarse de mas maneras…

a ver si tengo tiempo y ademas del formato de texto creamos un formato en podcast y nos damos el pego 🙂

Publicado en English

Ubuntu… debian on the desktop

My first experience on Linux was on 1998 Before I join Sun Micro systems UK. I wanted to know something about Unix, and solaris was not on my budget. So I had bought a copy of redhat 5.0 that was sent it to me from the US. wow..
Installing that «thing» was a tedious task. I did like the fact that you could make you PC run faster by making a OS personalize for it. But I have to admit that always had trouble with Graphics cards and sometimes I could not hear Linus pronounce «Linux» because a misconfigured sound card.
Then I used Solaris and I had stopped using Linux on my personal PC, but I moved to mandrake on the laptop as it seems easier to configure.. Then I discover Debian, and I had stick with it. But most of the time I was not that happy as always was something that I was not working that right on the desktop.
This week I deployed 4 Barebones to a local library using Ubuntu, and the instalation was a matter of putting the CD and reply to a few questions.. It works with not issues… I am amaze. Old days seem to be gone for good. I am happy with pure Debian on the server and Ubuntu (which uses Debian) on the desktop. I am a happy man!